12~30 Explained

The beginning of the 12~30 Experiment

Supposedly it takes 30 days to make or break a habit. Over the next twelve months I will be adding in and/or taking a way a habit. I am curious as to my reactions and feelings in this process... but mostly I'm really excited to have FUN with this and see what freeness awaits and even at times what traps I've created for myself....

As of now this will be a tentative schedule for each month. Let me know if you have any other ideas or if you want to share what it is you would like to add or take away in your months.

January:: No Drinking alcohol for 30 days
February:: Meditate for 15 min every day

March:: 30 minutes in nature rain or shine

April:: Saying I love you in the mirror several times

May:: The Artist's Way: writing

Read for 30 min every day
           (8 hours of sleep)

July:: No TV

August:: Try Something new every day

September:: No eating out at restaurants
October:: Take a picture every day
November:: Write in my journal every day

December:: Create a new painting every day

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