Originally February was going to be exercise for 30 minutes each day, but with my broken wrist I decided to switch things up. Since I'm forced to slow down a little, I figured reflection for this next month would be key. And what better way to reflect than meditating for at least 15 min every day this month.
Meditation- continuous, reflection and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature.
I've meditated a bit over the years, but still feel this is a learning practice for me. I would love to hear about the different ways you meditate... please feel free to share your experiences or thoughts on meditation as I'm rather curious to hear various ways of experiencing meditation.
Thoughts going into this month
I'm thinking I'd like my meditation to be in the morning.
I wonder if I connect more during a certain time of day?
I wonder if 15 min will ever feel too short of a time?
I wonder what I'll learn from quietening my space and being intentional?
I wonder if I'll ever get passed my millions of racing thoughts?
I wonder if certain 'methods' will appeal to me more?
I wonder if anyone will join in with me?
I ended up meditating my 15 min tonight::: I mostly followed my breath and noticed all the millions of thoughts come and go... "What am I doing tomorrow?" Maybe I 'should' focus on something?" I wonder if anyone else is meditating right now?" Did I record Biggest Loser tonight?" I wonder if I'll meet any new people this month.".......................I will say this::even though my mind was racing my body felt very peaceful and relaxed!
Green Smoothies::::
Green Smoothies::::
well this is secondary to meditating, but with my broken wrist comes the desire to eat healthy... so I figured I would also attempt to add one smoothie in each day.
It's said that::::People who have introduced green smoothies in to their diets have reported many health benefits.... now I just need to read up on this and see what they are:::::
What are Green Smoothies????
Green smoothies are smoothies with greens blended through them. Quite simple really. Greens are incredibly nutritious, however people struggle to eat enough of them with regard to quantity and many find them hard to digest. It has been suggested that this is due to not having enough stomach acid and not having enough jaw strength to chew them till they are a creamy consistency. Blended greens have their structure ripped apart and are effectively pre-digested. Adding fruit makes them taste great and is also a clever way of getting a lot of fruit into your diet, which most people don't have enough of in addition to enough greens. Today I had a:::: spinach, strawberry, blueberry, banana, wheat grass smoothie:: Deeeelish!!
I'll be curious to see if these smoothies help with my healing as well as with my energy level.
Meditation for me is so hard! I too have that mind that runs a million miles a minute. However, the more I do it the slower the mind gets. I have a really close friend that practice meditating and at first it was really hard. I would giggle for a bit, then try to get comforatable and then I would finally reside my mind to the concept. My friend and I usually talk about what we want to focus on and then begin. Then its easier to stay forcused. One time I was so deep that I actually experienced a moment with my mother. Now I know this is all subconcious but it was so real. Very hard to explain. I just hope that in this period you can experience deep renewal. Its wonderful. Best of luck with this.
ReplyDeleteSat Nam Dear One!
ReplyDeleteFeb is meditation month for me, too :) I read your "thoughts going on" and it's funny, I also found my thoughts creating interference during my 15 mins. It's exciting though and I look forward to seeing how this experiment affects us both!
Ironically, Feb. is a meditation month for me too. I'm in a rough spot right now that I need to sit with. I'm continually amazed at the synchronicity in my life. I find evenings are best for me....I have more things to race around in my mind to distract me. Hmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteTanisha::It's so true about the more you do it the mind slows down:: I know I can connect/attune quicker but I find the longer I meditate in one sitting the more I get out of it. And I love that you had that experience with 'seeing' your mom:: I've had a similar experience with my brother.
ReplyDeletePam:: We will have to regularly check in as I will be curious to hear what you notice as the days go by.
Sally:: I love that Feb is also meditation for you too! I'm sorry to hear you're in a rough spot, but I also know your strength in those times and as you listen I'm certain movement will happen! I want to hear more about the synchronicity you are experiencing!! :)