12~30 Explained

Pushing My Limits

Okay.... so.... I must be trying to really challenge myself this month.  Whatever I do I like to give a 100%...whether it be in sports, friendship, traveling, this experiment, or you name it.  I'm wondering if I just wasn't feeling challenged enough this month with not drinking, so I figured I'd up the anti by breaking something??!!??

so here I was playing softball.... doing what I do:::... I had just hit a tripple and was now on third base waiting for a hit to send me home.  the hit came and I ran hard... apparently a little too hard because when I hit home I ended up turning my run into a slide/roll... bracing myself with my wrist.  I got up happy to know I was safe and just feeling the burning slightly on my knees and side from the slide.  Walking back to the dugout I heard several, "oh my gosh! Are you ok?" Of course I said, "yeah, I'm fine!" Yet as I sat down I found my hands shaking... and I was still holding the bat from the previous hitter:::: so... my body was in a little bit of shock.

I finished the game playing three more innings, and even hitting another tripple... oh and I should mention I play first base, so most the plays come to me... and often the ball comes HARD!! After the game, which we ended up tying by the way... I walked over to give high-fives to the other team::: each one was like pain shooting through my body.  It was then I knew my hand wasn't really fine.  Let's just say If I've ever really wanted a drink this month... it was NOW!!!

The next day I went to the Dr. saying I don't think it's broken.  Several minutes later he walks back in with the X-rays and says, "Well, you've fractured your scaphoid." And then the memory came of 12 years ago when I did this on my left hand.  Annnnnnnd again I left ready for a drink.....

but the truth is my body is quite happy that I haven't been drinking as it's in better condition to tackle this healing... pain and all.

Oh and one more thing to add... typing takes forever, I'm like a chicken pecking away at each key.... A glass of wine right now sure would be nice...

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