12~30 Explained

What I've noticed

okay.... so it's been 11 days no with no alcohol.  In all honesty it's felt fairly easy to not drink.  There have only been a few exceptions to that..where I had a slight cringe - like in the airport when I found out my flight was delayed for over four hours (I mean doesn't that make anyone want to drink!)....  or when I  recently went out of town to visit a friend that's been grieving and she wanted to drink and instead I had to say I'm not drinking... I think I ordered 5 waters.... which made me really happy when the bill came!

thoughts so far:
I like how much money I'm saving
It's only in the moment I've felt bummed about passing on alcohol (wanting a glass of wine)
After dinner I'm happy about my decision not to drink
There is an element of social pressure that I just naturally drink when others are without thinking if I really want to or not.
Alcohol is expensive
I like not being woken up by wine in the middle of the night
Fine...I'm missing a glass of wine... okay....maybe two...


  1. This brings to mind the most poigniant need I've ever felt for a stiff drink: the night I found out I was pregnant! Doh.
