12~30 Explained

Reflecting on February

February has come and gone....  but the impacts of this month have carried on into March for me.  It was the month to meditate and drink green smoothies and that's exactly what I did.  I even bought books on meditation as well as cd's with meditative visualizations.

Over the past two years I've started to open up more and more to meditations... in fact last September I went on a three day vision quest out in Montana... where talk about meditation:::sheesh... the connection I felt to the trees, the wind, the ground, the sky, the moon::: absolutely beautiful....  granted I was in a very deep meditative state for hours upon end... but this type of meditation I believe can be experienced on a day to day on various different levels.  

In this month I think what I learned the most was how my natural inclination is to resist and in that resisting I am going against the natural flow of life... to the stillness that rests in those quiet places.  I think I often fear that the stillness will allow me to feel the chaos, but in actual fact the stillness and quietness brings connection.... once I allow the spinning of my mind to just spin .... therein in opens another part of me that is truly able to 'see'.  This is the place I want to live from.... this is the place where my aliveness resides. 

I experimented with so many different ways of meditation
* repeating one word over and over for 15 min
* using a cd for a guided visualization
* focusing on my breathing
* just sitting and seeing what comes up
* walking meditation in the back bay
* naming my thoughts
* focusing on just one word
* sitting in different places
* mantra meditation
* Being mindful of the moment

These are just a few of the different methods and ways I entered into the stillness.

 In regards to the green smoothies:::  I truly recommend this to anyone that is looking to simply make a small change in their regular eating habits.  The rewards to this small change are GREAT!  I could feel myself having more energy throughout the day and I really liked knowing what I was putting in my body was sooooo healthy for me.

There are so many different recipes to try...
My favorite is actually:::
1 coconut :: water and meat
2 bananas
1 cup of strawberries
2 cups of spinach
and a lil bit of parsley

I think my least favorite
was a mix of lemon, parsley, apple, avocado, and kale...... bananas were added to try and save the taste::: didn't work too well

I started by saying that even though my goal for February was to complete 30 days of meditation and green smoothies... I'm really happy that this is also being carried into March with a slight variation.  I have actually entered into a 10 day master cleanse... and am currently on day 5.  Once I finish the 10 days I am going to continue on with the green smoothies.  I have also continued with the meditations and am finding a greater sense of clarity within self... and LIFE!  

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