12~30 Explained


What is it about meditating that causes me to think of a million other things to do.  I was just getting ready to meditate when I thought maybe I'll get something to eat...so I went to the kitchen rummaging thru the pantry and fridge...ten minutes later I'm back in my room... once again just about to meditate and I think wait?!... did I enter all my bills from this week into a spreadsheet?? (yes, I really do that)...ok now I got that taken care of it was now time to meditate... but of course just before I got up from my desk I saw on a post it note by my computer a reminder to write in my sister's birthday card, so of course I did that even though her birthday is still ten days away.... now is it time to meditate??? nope not quite... I'll quickly run to the restroom and then I'll start... but when I'm leaving the bathroom I notice my eyebrows::: much in need of a good plucking... which I honestly dread doing.  This then led to me moisturizing my hands and then looking through what lotions I could potentially get rid of.  I'm not kidding you... this is really my process..which has taken me well over 30 minutes...when I've only set out to meditate for 15 min... maybe I could turn this around and say:::: pre meditating turns me into a very very productive girl with things that don't really need to get done this very minute.... now if only I could find a way to get that to work to my advantage. 

So... are you wondering if I ever got around to meditating?!?

well once again just before I was going to sit down on the floor in my spot to meditate, my sister walked in the room telling me of all her errands and happenings of the day....

BUT then finally, after my sister left the room, I got up from my desk and felt drawn outside.  I found a spot outside that drew me in and I began to meditate.  After 15 min my timer from my phone went off, which normally I'd end my time there... but this time I grabbed my phone and set it for another 15 min... I was just simply::: *NOT* DONE!!  

I felt such a peace and calmness over me.... trees and leaves filled my vision as I meditated on
*love* and near the end of the meditation my dad entered my vision and I got to spend some time with him as if it were just yesterday that he were still alive.  A smile came over my face and the warmth of the sun was hitting my back:::I felt a true deep embrace.

So what makes me avoid the stillness, the peace, the connection??? What am I busying myself to avoid... it just doesn't make sense that I'd want to avoid this warmth and peace that I feel.  Am I really so conditioned by my mind towards distraction or is my mind the one afraid of that release?? ;)


Quick smoothie update.....
Yesterday and today I had what I like to call "The Traditional with a Twist"
Traditional: Spinach, strawberries, banana :::::: Twist: pieces of Ginger = really really good :)

And thought I'd share in the process through these pics.... I believe this smoothie was a
Spinach, Swiss Chard, Rasberries, Pear, Blueberries, Banana Smoothie.

Anyone got a name for this one?? :)


Graduating with my M.S. in Clinical Psychology

Balinese Women
 I think it's harder for me too add something in than take it away.  Adding in meditation and smoothies not only means I have to make a conscious choice, but it also requires me to make a conscious action.  Each day I've had the intention of starting my day with meditation, but instead I keep finding myself at night 'finally getting' to it.  There is definitely resistance for me to enter into stillness yet every time I do I feel more connected to myself and life. 

Me & Carmell
Me & Jonathan
Tonight I did something a little different::::: I repeated thank you for what felt like several minutes and as I did I saw flashes to different times in my life:: Hanging out with my mom and dad at the duck pond, When Jonathan was born, Tennis matches, deaths, friends faces, my sister and I talking about life, dancing around at Hidden Valley, the faces of the street vendors in Bali, The faces of the men and women in South Africa I spent time with, The classrooms in the Grad Psych building and all that came from that experience, My soul Arts group..........and on and on the flashes went.... I couldn't stop smiling.  I felt gratitude from deep within for how life has moved and created and shaped me.... There was no good or bad... there was simply deep gratitude and an openness of connection.  

At the end I raised my hands and said again Thank You::: I am honored to experience life!

Me, Mom, & Jonathan
It's actually amazing to me all that I experienced in those 15 min.  It was as if time didn't exist and there was a connection to life all at once.
Funkhouse Girls :)
What would happen if you repeated Thank You?
What could 15min of meditation open in YOU??

And a quick smoothie update:::: I'm experimenting each day::: today I had a spinach, banana, parsley, cucumber, blueberry, strawberry, pear smoothie :) loved it!! :)

February: Meditation & (Smoothies)

Originally February was going to be exercise for 30 minutes each day, but with my broken wrist I decided to switch things up. Since I'm forced to slow down a little, I figured reflection for this next month would be key.  And what better way to reflect than meditating for at least 15 min every day this month.

Meditation- continuous, reflection and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature. 

I've meditated a bit over the years, but still feel this is a learning practice for me.  I would love to hear about the different ways you meditate... please feel free to share your experiences or thoughts on meditation as I'm rather curious to hear various ways of experiencing meditation. 

Thoughts going into this month
I'm thinking I'd like my meditation to be in the morning.
I wonder if I connect more during a certain time of day?
I wonder if 15 min will ever feel too short of a time?
I wonder what I'll learn from quietening my space and being intentional?
I wonder if I'll ever get passed my millions of racing thoughts?
I wonder if certain 'methods' will appeal to me more?
I wonder if anyone will join in with me? 

I ended up meditating my 15 min tonight::: I mostly followed my breath and noticed all the millions of thoughts come and go... "What am I doing tomorrow?" Maybe I 'should' focus on something?" I wonder if anyone else is meditating right now?" Did I record Biggest Loser tonight?" I wonder if I'll meet any new people this month.".......................I will say this::even though my mind was racing my body felt very peaceful and relaxed! 

Green Smoothies::::


well this is secondary to meditating, but with my broken wrist comes the desire to eat healthy... so I figured I would also attempt to add one smoothie in each day.
It's said that::::People who have introduced green smoothies in to their diets have reported many health benefits.... now I just need to read up on this and see what they are:::::
What are Green Smoothies???? 
Green smoothies are smoothies with greens blended through them. Quite simple really. Greens are incredibly nutritious, however people struggle to eat enough of them with regard to quantity and many find them hard to digest. It has been suggested that this is due to not having enough stomach acid and not having enough jaw strength to chew them till they are a creamy consistency. Blended greens have their structure ripped apart and are effectively pre-digested. Adding fruit makes them taste great and is also a clever way of getting a lot of fruit into your diet, which most people don't have enough of in addition to enough greens.

Today I had a:::: spinach, strawberry, blueberry, banana, wheat grass smoothie:: Deeeelish!!

I'll be curious to see if these smoothies help with my healing as well as with my energy level.