What is it about meditating that causes me to think of a million other things to do. I was just getting ready to meditate when I thought maybe I'll get something to eat...so I went to the kitchen rummaging thru the pantry and fridge...ten minutes later I'm back in my room... once again just about to meditate and I think wait?!... did I enter all my bills from this week into a spreadsheet?? (yes, I really do that)...ok now I got that taken care of it was now time to meditate... but of course just before I got up from my desk I saw on a post it note by my computer a reminder to write in my sister's birthday card, so of course I did that even though her birthday is still ten days away.... now is it time to meditate??? nope not quite... I'll quickly run to the restroom and then I'll start... but when I'm leaving the bathroom I notice my eyebrows::: much in need of a good plucking... which I honestly dread doing. This then led to me moisturizing my hands and then looking through what lotions I could potentially get rid of. I'm not kidding you... this is really my process..which has taken me well over 30 minutes...when I've only set out to meditate for 15 min... maybe I could turn this around and say:::: pre meditating turns me into a very very productive girl with things that don't really need to get done this very minute.... now if only I could find a way to get that to work to my advantage.
So... are you wondering if I ever got around to meditating?!?
well once again just before I was going to sit down on the floor in my spot to meditate, my sister walked in the room telling me of all her errands and happenings of the day....
BUT then finally, after my sister left the room, I got up from my desk and felt drawn outside. I found a spot outside that drew me in and I began to meditate. After 15 min my timer from my phone went off, which normally I'd end my time there... but this time I grabbed my phone and set it for another 15 min... I was just simply::: *NOT* DONE!!
I felt such a peace and calmness over me.... trees and leaves filled my vision as I meditated on
*love* and near the end of the meditation my dad entered my vision and I got to spend some time with him as if it were just yesterday that he were still alive. A smile came over my face and the warmth of the sun was hitting my back:::I felt a true deep embrace.
So what makes me avoid the stillness, the peace, the connection??? What am I busying myself to avoid... it just doesn't make sense that I'd want to avoid this warmth and peace that I feel. Am I really so conditioned by my mind towards distraction or is my mind the one afraid of that release?? ;)
Quick smoothie update.....

Traditional: Spinach, strawberries, banana :::::: Twist: pieces of Ginger = really really good :)

Spinach, Swiss Chard, Rasberries, Pear, Blueberries, Banana Smoothie.
Anyone got a name for this one?? :)